Friday, March 02, 2012

Urban KidMin merges with 10:10 Kids!

Welcome to our new site!  Urban KidMin, a blog directed at equipping urban kids ministers, and 10:10 Kids, a curriculum dedicated to bringing quality Bible lesson plans at affordable prices that work in the inner city, have joined forces to better equip urban childrens ministries.

We hope to continue to provide you with current and timely tips, strategies and encouragement for those who minister to urban children through our blog, while providing affordable and inner-city-friendly Bible lessons at rock-bottom pricing in our shop (with, of course, some freebies thrown in!)

We hope you'll like what you see!


Vasilisa said...

We're pumped for our chrtismas program this year for our children, it's a little less intense and they're really going to enjoy putting on a show for the adults and their families.We're using the movie for Why do we call in chrtismas' in our SS, would have loved to have the church edition, but we couldn't budget it this time around. Looking forward to sharing the movie with my SS kiddos tho, they're going to think it's awesome and are already huge fans of Buck Denver.We'll also be having two Birthday Parties for Jesus, one with our outreach ministry and another in our Sunday School. Lots of creative fun there.

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