Friday, August 26, 2005

evaluating ministry

It's hard to believe the summer's over already. With the end of summer season it feels like the let-downs begin: we've had to ferry 2 youth home from Gem Lake this week due to breach of parole. Two young people have run away from home to distant relatives whose impact, from past experience, is usually negative and neither are contacting family or friends. Time seems to be filled with managing details and lists and evaluations rather than connecting with young people.

Much of my time both this week and next will be spent doing evaluations. The end of summer is the year-end for those of us in youth work. School marks the beginning of a new year, so it is time to evaluate what we have done well and what we need to put some effort into changing. Some of this process is such a joy as we look back on successes and milestones gained, but so much of the work here seems to be one step forward, two steps back, and so there is some discouragement as well. There is always some area that needs attention. You can pray for stronger vision and bigger dreams for our staff team as we look ahead. It's too easy to become stuck in a rut of "how we always do it", which does not serve the ever-changing youth culture at all. Another prayer request is for team unity as it is always easier to see what someone else needs to change in their ministry than what I myself need to address. Our heart and our prayer is always: how can we bring Jesus to this nation? How can we bring hope and a future to these youth who have neither? Pray that we will be Spirit-filled as we address these questions, and that we would be humble as we take an honest look at what has been happening and what needs to change for the future.

In Christ,
